Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Message for the week
Question ideas -----> find ancient ones, rediscover currents ones, and uncover unfortunate truths that you wish to ignore.

Yo, that show Journey of a Lifetime is great.
No, it's not a narcissistic PR stunt for a tv actor.

Next, the Travel Channel will show P.Diddy's Journey of a Minute: Funky Watusi-ing Back to Africa.

What is this in my ear?I'm addicted to J.Dilla's musical sonnet/elegy dedicated to himself. The album is called Donuts, but there isn't a hole in it anywhere. Maroon 5 + Jamiroquai - the funk + subtle soulfulness = Phoenix. Check them out.


Nigga Moment: a moment when ignorance overwhelms the mind of an otherwise logical negro male, causing him to act in an illogical, self-destructive manner, i.e.: like a Nigga. Nigga Moments are unpredictable, but they all end up bad. (Quote from Aaron McGruder's Boondocks).

Three Leading killers of black men:

1. Blood Pressure resulting from pork diet (according to Urban Pathologist Michael Evans [younger brother of J.J. Evans)


3. Nigga Moments ------- > R.I.P Proof (A victim of another guy provoking one of these moments)

Voices of the youth:

"I'm not a snitch! I simply tell the truth, nigga." - 14-year-old student

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Cornbread Philosophy

Cornbread Philosophy

I Wish You all a Sad New Year!

In entertainment News:

Tom Cruise went on Oprah Winfrey and read/auditioned for his new movie tentatively titled Skip the Prozac Bi***, Show Me Mo' Money, and I am Completed by a Sixteen-Year-Old Named Katie (the film producers think that Jerry Maguire II 1/2 is too cliche of a title).

Arnold Schwarzeneggar received rave reviews for his reprisal of the "Terminator" in"Terminator III: Hasta la Vista, Tookie." Plot line: The Terminator travels back in time to year 2005 to assasinate one the leading figures in the California drug trade and
illegal harms distribution. After being arrested for reakless endangerment, illegal possession of a fire harm, attempted murder, and riding motorcycle without a helmet, the Terminator steals the identity of a prestitious political figure hoping to repeal the state of California Mandatory Helmet Law. In the process, he accomplishes much more.

Inspired by Walk the Line (the Johnny Cash story) and other biopics of 2005,
James Brooks has started production on the Rick James story, Fire and Desire. Terrance Howard has already commited to the role of Rick James. James Cameron is set the direct Ten Crack Commandments, a biopic of the Notorius B.I.G. Jamie Foxx will star. And yes he will wear a fat suit for six months to prepare for this role.

That is a summary of the year. Here is twelve of the year's best albums. They got me through 2005.

1. Kanye West - Late Registration
2. Coldplay - X & Y
3.Gorillaz - Demon Days
4. Feist - Let It Die
5. Fionna Apple - Extrodinary Machine
6. Beck - Guero
7. Doves - Some Cities
8. Dangerdoom- The Mouse and the Mask
9. Little Brother - The Minstrel Show
10. Seu Jorge - Life Aquatic Studio Session
11. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
12. Seu Jorge - Cru
Honorable Mention:
Juelz Santana - What the Game's Been Missing?
I hope we can do this again at the end of 2006.