Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Message for the week
Question ideas -----> find ancient ones, rediscover currents ones, and uncover unfortunate truths that you wish to ignore.

Yo, that show Journey of a Lifetime is great.
No, it's not a narcissistic PR stunt for a tv actor.

Next, the Travel Channel will show P.Diddy's Journey of a Minute: Funky Watusi-ing Back to Africa.

What is this in my ear?I'm addicted to J.Dilla's musical sonnet/elegy dedicated to himself. The album is called Donuts, but there isn't a hole in it anywhere. Maroon 5 + Jamiroquai - the funk + subtle soulfulness = Phoenix. Check them out.


Nigga Moment: a moment when ignorance overwhelms the mind of an otherwise logical negro male, causing him to act in an illogical, self-destructive manner, i.e.: like a Nigga. Nigga Moments are unpredictable, but they all end up bad. (Quote from Aaron McGruder's Boondocks).

Three Leading killers of black men:

1. Blood Pressure resulting from pork diet (according to Urban Pathologist Michael Evans [younger brother of J.J. Evans)


3. Nigga Moments ------- > R.I.P Proof (A victim of another guy provoking one of these moments)

Voices of the youth:

"I'm not a snitch! I simply tell the truth, nigga." - 14-year-old student


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